If you wish to receive a Vision Pilot demo CD or download the demo version

please fill out the registration below.

Company Name







First Name                                   Last Name


Please describe your business.

How many locations do you have?   

Do you operate your own lab?   

If so, please describe your lab configuration. ( Please indicate if the labs are in-store, or at a central location, whether you surface or only finish lenses at this lab, and how you order lenses from outside labs.)

Check all of the following programs that you are currently using.
Inventory             How long?
    Program name   
Point-of-Sale       How long?    Program name   
Accounting          How long?     Program name   
Lab Software      How long?    Program name   

Have you had any experience with an Optical point of sale program?   

Which one?  

What did you like about this program?

What are the features that you are looking for in a program?

How did you hear about us?          If other please explain.

Please send me a demo CD packet.

Don't send me a demo CD packet, I will download it from the website.

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